Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mid-Week 'Longish' Run

Each Thursday, over the next few weeks, I'll add to the 12km I did this morning; an 'easy' run just aimed at keeping heart rate below 80%. Result was less mileage than expected, but Avg. HR stayed at 70% & Max = 80-83%, so that's an OK session for Chickybabe.

No entry tomorrow....a rest day.


  1. Hi LL, Another one in the bank huh? Enjoy your rest day tomorrow - do you ever rest? (photo without glasses- follow the "photos" link on my blog ;) )

  2. Nice to see the training is going so well for you Chickybabe. I'm sure you will continue the buildup to Gold Coast nicely.

  3. Hey Chickybabe. I'm happy to see that you have pulled up well after the SMH Half. I look forward to seeing you (and cheering for you) again - this time at GC. My pom poms are already packed !!

  4. LL,
    Still looking for Kismet. Can get it on Ebay from the UK but its a bit expensive. Will also now lookout for Candide. I have never heard of it but have just looked up its history and it has a fascinating story of its own.
    See here:
