Tuesday, October 18, 2005

An 'Easy' Gym Day

Elliptical Trainer, Leg Presses, Bike, Treadmill walk .......about 1 hour.

1 comment:

  1. you have been blog tagged...

    Here are the rules:
    1. Go into your archives.
    2. Find your 23rd post.
    3. Find the fifth sentence (or the closest one to it)
    4. Post the text of your sentence in your blog along with these rules.
    5. Tag five other people.

    from 26/7/05:

    "...can't wait to charge it up and give it a go!..."

    i was, of course, talking about the arrival of my Forerunner 301...my constant companion, training or otherwise, ever since...

    I have tagged Flash Duck, Gronk, Aki, Ewen & Lucky Legs...
