Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday Run - 10km

I took the high road to the right but I can no longer call Sunday runs long! And that I can live with for the rest of this year. So, starting late at mid-day when the morning had warmed up to a wonderful day, I set out once again on the road - first time since Canberra.

Diamond Fields Road is a dirt road so I couldn't wear any of my new trainers! Instead I dragged out the ones I'd used in Canberra for, very likely, nearly their last run!

Glorious day, not a sound...except for the occasional "MOO!"


  1. Does that mean you were running at talking to the cows pace? It's good to see the recovery is going well.

  2. You could say putting your old trainers out to pasture.

  3. Are you sure the cows weren't saying "Mooove" LL.

  4. I hiope you enjoyed your Sunday run. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I really enjoyed myself on Sunday helping someone achieve their goals, a similar feeling to achieving my own.

    And I imagine if we had gone to fast too soon and blown it I too would feel responsible, so I did enjoy the challenge.

