Thursday, November 21, 2013

Going Further ~~~

Today I started at the school, avoiding the soccer field, through Renwick, along Inkerman Road to where it ends and then back to the school.  A much cooler morning than forecast with a nice  breeze.  I jogged/walked - more jog than walk today - and completed 6.7km, the furthest in some time on the road.  My knee seems fine and if it stays this way I'll repeat this distance and course until next week.

Puzzled by Garmin Connect not showing the run, though according to the ATN agent, it was transferred.  Checked software and plug-ins ...all correct.  Is Windows 8 playing a trick on me?  Will have to look into this asap!

Today:  6.7km......storms forecast for tomorrow, but I must keep this 2 day streak going!

1 comment:

  1. You'll be the Windows 8 expert with all that coaching you've been getting!
